About the Journal
Al Basirah is a Research Journal by the Department of Islamic Thought and Culture, NUML (ISSN Print: 2222-4548, Online:2520-7334) was started in June 2012 and recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in the "Y" category in 2015 and awarded X category in 2018. Recently, the HEC has recognized it for for years 2023-2024. Al-Basirah is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that is indexed by renowned indexing databases. The journal aims to investigate and bring forth innovative research-based concepts and practices in the discipline of Islamic studies at national and international levels. Its goal is to highlight Islamic concepts to answer the questions and to find solutions to different issues arising in the modern era in the light of Shariah. The journal provides a platform for researchers, classroom practitioners, and academic professionals to share their novel theoretical and practical research initiatives. Al Basirah not only encourages scholars to be creative but also attempts to motivate and guide readers to be inquisitive, creative, and critical in approach. The journal is constantly striving to achieve excellence by promoting the quality of research. It is also committed to stepping forward with great zeal and zest to maintain standards of quality and integrity. Al-Basirah welcomes stimulating, inspiring, and informative research papers catering to the complex and increasingly diversifying multidimensional needs of learners, teachers, and professionals in diverse contexts. Contributions that break new grounds in the domain of Islamic sciences Instead of assuming the values of originality, neutrality, objectivity, diversity of opinion, contribution of knowledge, strength for argument, truth, and honesty Al-Basirah has incorporated all these values in the process of selection and review. The Journal has diversified experts in its editorial and review board and is open to a wide range of methodological approaches and philosophical underpinnings.
Current Issue
Arabic Section
English Section
Staff Training and Islamic Banks Performance: Evidence from Pakistan Evidence from Pakistan
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Urdu Section
ابن رشد کےکلامی وسیاسی افکاراور مغربی فکر وتہذیب: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ A Research Study of Averroes’ Theological and Political Thoughts and the Western Civilization
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قرآنی آیات کی روشنی میں معاصر سائنسی حقائق کا تجزیہ Analysis of Contemporary Scientific facts in the light of Quranic Verses
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