Author Guidelines
General Instructions
Each paper must be like a research paper: it must have a conceptual/ theoretical framework; literature review encapsulating past research; data/ content collection and analysis; suggestions for future research and conclusion.
The article must not have been published anywhere else. It should be in accordance with the research principles and should be on a new topic. Moreover, the article should be adorned with the references of basic sources. It is necessary to abide by the rules of writing and spelling.
Draft Format
The authors are required to follow the following instructions for formatting their papers, failing which the paper will not be accepted for publication.
- Article should be composed on one side of A4 size.
- It should not be more than 25 pages.
- Be careful regarding font size.
- For main-headings, font size: 18
- For sub-heading, font size: 16
- For text, font size: (urdu,Arabic-14,English-12)
- Footnote: font size (Urdu, Arabic-12, English-10)
- Line Spacing: single throughout the paper.
- Page Numbering: On the top left corner of the paper with the title on the top right corner.
- Page setup: envelope B5,Portrait
- Margins:9 inch margin on left and right side, 0.8 on top and bottom of each page.
- Paragraph Indention: Indent each paragraph first Line by 0.5 inches and apply the indention consistently throughout the paper.
Directions for Writing:
Title, Abstract and Keywords
Title should be comprehensive, precise and reflect the original theme of the article. Abstract should contain summary of the research. Author would enclose an abstract containing approximately 250 words. It should provide a concise summary of the objectives, methodology (including the species studied), key results, and major conclusions of the study. It should be written in complete sentences, without subheadings. It must be written in English language. A list of 4 to 6 keywords may also be provided after the abstract.
Introduction about the article must include objective, methodology, distinctive characteristics and short primer of the Research work.
In this part of the article, author would present his views and research in detail.
Conclusion should be presented in a logical sequence. Findings of the research should be clearly mentioned on which recommendations are made accordingly.
Information about the Author
Author(s)’ name should be placed on the title page of the final paper right after title on the left corner and institution’s name along with further details should be placed in the footnote specified with the symbol(*). Please indicate the corresponding author in case the paper has multiple authors as well as one article cannot be written by more than two authors. A separate page containing the full name of Author(s), Email Address, affiliated Institute, Postal address and phone number(s) should also be submitted along with the article.
Authors Names and Affiliations: After desk review and before initiating peer review process. author(s) cannot change/update or add new authors. AlBasirah strictly follows that policy. It is responsibility of corresponding author to check names and affilitiations of other authors before the peer review process stage.
References and Bibliography
References should be made according to the following guidelines:
- References should be made as Footnotes.
- While giving references, Chicago Manual Style should be adopted.
- While referring to a book, author’s name, name of the book, publisher’s name & place and year of publication and then Volume No/Page no. should be clearly mentioned.
Following example should be followed:
Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Al-Quran Al-Azim, Dar al-Sadir, Bayrut, 1354 A.H, 2/312
- For similar references at multiple locations, traditional style of abbreviations may be used.
- Quranic verses in the article be presented in Arabic script such as: Sura Al-Nisa: 4/184
- Necessary description(Takhreej & Authenticity) of all Ahadith should be mentioned like:
Al Bukhari, Al-Jamey, Al-Saheh, Kitab al-Ilm, Bab Ifsha al-salam min al-islam, Darussalam, Riyad, 1414A.H, Hadith no: 29, 1/8
- All-known figures mentioned in the article must be briefly introduced and references from books should also be quoted.
Transliteration of Arabic, Urdu and English Words
For Urdu and Arabic words in English articles, Transliteration must be followed.
Citation from the Internet/Webpage
If the author wants to cite an internet link then he/she is required to provide complete URL address failing which the reference will be considered invalid.
Transmission of Required Information
It is obligatory for the authors to describe their research in detail along with the significance of their research. Enough details of the citation should be provided so that others will be able to revisit the research. Incorrect and ambiguous statements will be troublesome and not acceptable.
Simultaneous/Multiple Publication
Author should avoid submission of the article in more than one journal for review and publication at a time as it is unethical. Moreover, multiple publications on the same research are also not acceptable.
If an author wants to publish their work in multiple stages in multiple different articles, then references of the first publication should be represented accurately in the second publication.
Defining Sources
Written permission of the source is compulsory if any information is used and quoted which is derived from a discourse, correspondence or a talk of a third party. Sources must be defined and cited in an accurate manner.
Major Mistakes in Published Work
If any mistake or error is noticed by the authors after submission of the article for review, it is obligatory for the author to inform Al-Basirah’s focal person immediately, so that necessary correction in the article may be made well in time and in case of major mistake, article may be withdrawn. Author is also bound to withdraw or make necessary correction well in time as directed by editor or publisher and also provide the evidence confirming the accuracy of the original research wherever required.
Authors of the Work
Any individual with significant contribution in the research work which is being presented in the article can be included as author(s) of the article. However, it is responsibility of the primary author to ensure that all the co-authors have seen the final draft of the article and agreed for submission of the article.
Submission Charges:
The journal is charging the fee in different stages. For fee and account details visit: