الأسلوب التفسيري للشيخ عبد الحميد الحاكمي في تلخيص الدرر: دراسة وصفية

The Method of Exegesis in Talkhīṣ Al-Durar by Abdul Hamīd Al-Ḥākimi: A Descriptive Study


  • Jawed Ahmed Khokhar PhD Scholar, International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr.Muhammad Abdul Wahab Assistant Professor, Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt & International Islamic University Islamabad




Allāmā Ḥākimī, Interpretation of Qur’an, Method and Style of Tafsīr, Principles of Tafsīr, Talkhees-ud-Durrar’s Method


Since the revelation of the Holy Qur’ān, great care has been taken in memorizing, reading, and interpreting it. The pious companions of the Prophet (PBUH) learned the Qur’ān and its interpretation from the Messenger of Almighty and passed it on to the Tāb’īn (their followers). This way generation after generation, Qur’ān and its meaning have passed on to this day. The scholars have served the purpose of conveying the Qur’an to others in different ways, and they have interpreted it and brought its meaning close to each other according to the wisdom of their times. This heritage remained for a time in the form of manuscripts. Among these manuscripts, Tafsīr “Talkhīs al-Durrar” by Abdul Ḥamīd Al-Ḥākimī (514 AH) has some special attributes and style, preserved in Nūr ‘Usmānā Library in Istanbul Turkey. The following study focuses on the method of exegesis used by al-Ḥākimī and analyses its style of writing on one side and the way he interprets the Qur’an, on the other side.


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Author Biography

Dr.Muhammad Abdul Wahab, Assistant Professor, Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt & International Islamic University Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, IIU, Islamabad




How to Cite

Khokhar, J. A., & Al Rasekh, D. A. W. (2022). الأسلوب التفسيري للشيخ عبد الحميد الحاكمي في تلخيص الدرر: دراسة وصفية: The Method of Exegesis in Talkhīṣ Al-Durar by Abdul Hamīd Al-Ḥākimi: A Descriptive Study. Al Basirah, 11(01), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.52015/albasirah.v11i01.93



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