الأسس المشتركة للتعايش السلمي في معاهدات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: دراسة تحليلية

The Common Foundations of Peaceful Coexistence in the Treaties of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): An analytical study


  • Dr. Abdul Qadir Haroon
  • Dr. Ikram ul Haq




Charter, Coexistence, Missions, Peace Treaties, Pluralistic society


Allāh Almighty sent His Noble Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, as a herald, a warner, and a mercy to the worlds, and He peace be upon him, bore that heavy trust, extending it to all people, without any fatigue, boredom, defeat, or retreat. He was, by the grace of Allāh Almighty, prepared in unique moral character that suited to the universal nature of His message. In this humble work we intend to reflect on how this great man behaved in diverse situations and with different kinds of people.

 The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had pacts and treaties with people of different nationalities and creed. Before going to that, we need to have a quick and comprehensive look at the people and map of the region; in addition to the contextualizing their political, social, and religious circumstances in which He was sent. In this way, we can appropriately determine what He contributed it in its correct historical and social framework. Finally, we will see the value and significance of major accomplishments in making covenants with the neighboring and surrounding nations and tribes.





How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Qadir Haroon, & Dr. Ikram ul Haq. (2022). الأسس المشتركة للتعايش السلمي في معاهدات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: دراسة تحليلية : The Common Foundations of Peaceful Coexistence in the Treaties of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): An analytical study. Al Basirah, 10(02), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.52015/albasirah.v10i02.49